Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Song of the Day VII: Hijo de Africa

Mc Solaar is incredibly popular outside of the English-speaking world. He should be more popular here. "Hijo de Africa." Enjoy.

French hip hop, even top 40 (and Mc Solaar is definitely top 40), tends to be really good. I like to listen to it while I'm working because, since I can't understand most of the lyrics (my French would barely get me to the bathroom in Paris), I can listen without getting wrapped up in the words. English-language hip hop sucks me in with the lyrics and serves as a sort of verbal interference for any reading or writing I might be doing.

Anyway, the Yo La La podcasts, which are free, are a great introduction to French-language hip hop, which includes not just hip hop from France, but also from Africa and Québec and anywhere else French is widely spoken. I recommend starting from the beginning.

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